Looking Glass (or The Looking Glass)

A poem I wrote for a ‘Stereo Hearts’ cover prelude.

Oh thee, whose gaze hath turned me to stone,
Thy hat, a mirror to mine eyes hath shown,
Not a Mad Hatter was I, but Alice fair,
In Wonderland’s maze where dreams do ensnare.

Through the vast Looking-Glass, I was bid to pass,
Fo grasp life’s essence in it’s crystaline glass,
In purest form, untangled from time’s snare,
Where truth and folley dance as a pair.

Hark gentle souls, a riddle to bestow:
Why doth a raven like a writing desk grow?
Why do books lack pictures to adorn?
And, pray, whither do we go, when day is born?

In this curious land where doth bend,
Where beginnings and endings often times blend,
We wander and wonder lost in the quest,
For answers elusive, yet we seek them with zest.

But, should we rest?

powered by imagination